Embaixada do Paquistão presta solidariedade a Palestina (confira o release)


Embassy of Pakistan


“Pakistan strongly condemns the merciless killing of 60 unarmed innocent Palestinian civilian protestors and injuries to others by the Israeli occupied forces”, the Ambassador of Pakistan in Brazil Najm us Saqib stated while addressing a gathering organised today at the Embassy of Pakistan, Brasilia, to observe the Solidarity Day with the people of Palestine. He informed the gathering that Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi was leading the Pakistani delegation to the 7 th Extraordinary OIC meeting, being held today in Istanbul, to discuss the grave situation in the aftermath of blatant human rights violations by the occupied forces in the State of Palestine. The
Ambassador informed that Pakistan had called for an independent and transparent investigation of violence in Gaza.

Expressing solidarity with the brotherly people of Palestine, Ambassador Najm us Saqib renewed the Government of Pakistan’s call for establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous State of Palestine on the basis of internationally agreed parameters, the pre-1967 borders and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital. He concluded his remarks by stating that Pakistan would continue extending its political, moral and diplomatic support to the people of Palestine.

Defence Attaché Brig. Muhammad Yousaf and First Secretary Azeem Ullah Cheema while saluting the bravery and courage displayed by the people of Palestine, drew the attention of International Community and the United Nations and noted with grave concern that calls by International Community to comply with the UN General Assembly and Security Council Resolutions, in particular, Resolution 476 and 478, are not heeded to in letter and spirit. President of Pakistan-Brazil Association, Shah Faisal, expressed complete solidarity with the hapless Palestinians while condemning in the strongest terms, the recent killing of innocent Palestinians by the Israeli authorities. The Community also expressed surprise at the muted response of International Community, in particular, the United Nations being unable to fulfil their promises on Palestine. Special prayers for Palestine and its people were offered during Juma prayers, organized at the Chancery building.


May 18, 2018