New Interview with Ambassador of Iran To Brazil


I met The Ambassador of Iran to Brazil  Seyed Ali Saghaeyan and asked him some questions, he is always very polite to me and answer the following  words  that i would like to share with my readers! Thanks a Lot to all. Our website is having a very high number of acesses! keep following me! ( Fabiana Ceyhan)


About the bilateral relations between Brazil and Iran how is it going, how was before, how is now and what are the plans for the future?

Thank you very much Fabiana. Of course the relations between Iran and Brazil is very fantastic from the former government till the new government. We should add that the relation is about one century and more that one century, one hundred and ten years, estabilished their relation and that continued after the revolution forty years and we all government Brazil and Iran estabilished a good relation politically, economically, culturally, internationally, we do very good cooperation with all government.

After the new government  president Bolsonaro came to the power, with in ten days after the election and victory of the president Bolsonaro, president Rohani sent a congratulation message to him and after that we visited the Minister of Culture, and other ministers , the president of Parliament .

I met ministers science and technology  Marcos Pontes, Agriculture Minister , General Heleno, Vice President General Mourao. We are going to have  a friendship group in the parliament ( Câmara dos deputados). Our authorities met each other  including Secretary of Foreigner Minister, Mr Salgado.


 Visit of Iran delegation Last year:


Last April, if i am not wrong we had 70 bussiness, bankers, chamber of commerce met president Temer . The  Bussinesman   had  very good discussions and agreements . It was  very good and we are in touch with the new government. It Was very fruitfull. We continue de relation.



So you consider  Brazil a  good Partner of Iran?

Of course we are good partners and friendly country, we import ed More than 2 billion dolars last year and iran exports 60 million dollars.we import commodities, sugar, meat and many products from Brazil.



How was the meeting with president Bolsonaro:


OIC proposed to have a meeting with Agriculture Minister but they informed us that the President Bolsonaro  was  going to be in the meeting and he added that the Brazil has  intentions of carrying on good relations with  islamic countries. It was very good, The Brazilian door is open to our country and we want to carry on the good relationship.


Thtas good to hear that ,!  I  heard that Iran was having problems with  lack of medicine for the population due to the sanctions of US, can you explain to us about?

We produce 90 percent local, but the raw material are imported, we are are trying to import the equipment to produce everything in iran.We still need raw material to produce the medicines.


 Midlle East:

” Beyond some problem in the midle east we believe that Brazil should not be  involved because these problems are not latin american problems . Both side they should  understand eachother.I Believe things will setlle down and Brazil will continue having good relations with everyone and do good bussiness.”


This interview was done in april 2019.