Vaga para Administrative Analyst no International Policy Centre For Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) em Brasília, aberta até 30/04/2017:


Required Skills and Experience
• University Degree in Administration, Business Management, Executive Secretariat or related fields with at least 11 years of experience in performing the duties and responsibilities mentioned in this TOR OR
• Post Graduate Course (Lato Sensu or Strictu Sensu) in Administration, Business Management, Executive Secretariat or related fields with at least 06 years of experience in performing the duties and responsibilities mentioned in this TOR;
• Experience in the usage of computers, office software packages (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and internet) and advanced knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages;
• Fluency in Portuguese;
• Fluency in English as proven by certificate, or previous work, or academic experience or personal experience abroad.

○ Desirable
• Relevant experience with government;
• Knowledge of other UN language is considered an asset;
• International organization experience is an advantage.…/TOR%20Administrative%20Analyst.pdf