Padma Awards in 2020 gets a Brazilian flair


Mrs. Gloria Arierira is a pioneer in Sanskrit and Vedanta in Brazil.

She has dedicated herself to the teaching and promotion of Advaita Vedanta in the traditional manner in Portuguese language.

She has been teaching Vedanta and Sanskrit in Rio de Janeiro and other cities in Brazil

Regularly speaks on topics of spirituality, self-knowledge and mainly on the teachings of the Vedas.

Translated many Sanskrit texts into Portuguese, including the Bhagavadgita, Upanishads and several others.

Mrs. Arierira is the Founder and CEO of Vidya Mandir, a non-profit institution based out of Copacabana, Rio De Janeiro – working since 1984 to preserve the culture and knowledge of the ancient Vedas and is focused on teaching Vedanta and Sanskrit in Portuguese language in Rio De Janeiro and other Brazilian cities.

Conducts regular classes with course offered on various aspects of Vedanta philosophy

Promotes various cultural and religious activities linked to India

Mrs. Arierira had started her studies at the Arsha Sandeepani Sadhanalaya in Mumbai in January 1974 under the guidance of Swami Dayananda.

During her stay in India, Ms. Arierira also studied in ashrams in Uttarkashi and Rishikesh and traveled to different parts of India to attend courses, lectures and visited holy places in the southern Indian States of Tamil Nadu and Kerala to gain a better understanding of the Vedas and to gain first hand experience of Indian spiritual practices and traditions as well as Indian culture.

She returned to Brazil in 1978

Dr. Lia Diskin is an eminent Gandhian scholar from Brazil, actively involved in the promotion of Gandhian values of Peace and Non-violence for the past 4 decades.

Though of Argentinian origin, she has stayed in Brazil for over 30 years.

A soft spoken person with a strong sense of conviction and purpose, Dr. Lia has admiration for India, its people and culture.

Dr. Lia is an avid Author as well as a sought-after Speaker at various Universities in Brazil.

She is author of many books on education, peace, ethics and culture.

One of her books, “Paz, como se faz?” (Peace, how to make?) has been adopted by schools in six Brazilian states and has sold over 500,000 copies.

She has translated, among others, Gandhi ji’s “An Autobiography – My Experiments with Truth” – the book is presently in its eight edition

She has won wide acclaim in Brazil for her selfless service to society, having worked on multiple projects:

Started Gandhi Network – approved by 14 Brazilian states to impart training, information, and guidance on a culture of peace-oriented activities and knowledge.

an initiative approved by multiple States across Brazil, and attended by thousands of participants.

Coordinator for the UNESCO aided programme ‘Decade of Culture of Peace’

Created the project “Gandhi and Non-violence” for the Military Police of Sao Paulo (1998)

Created the project “Non-violence and Public Safety” for the Police Academy of Sao Paulo (1999)

Dr. Lia founded Palas Athena Association in 1972, a respected non-profit civil society organization, which incubates socio-assistance, socio-educational programs and projects for various institutions.

Its stated mission is to improve human coexistence through the approximation of cultures and articulation of knowledge.

It offers courses, seminars, round tables, workshops, scientific and artistic presentations taken place in various cities and states of Brazil.

It has organised Gandhi Week every year in October since 1982.

Dr. Lia is known worldwide for her work, having received many recognitions of her contributions.

UNESCO’s Human Rights prize in 2006
o Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation Award 2010 – for Contribution in Promotion of Gandhian Values.

Spoke at the United Nations at the dedication of 02 October as International Non-Violence Day.