National Date of the State of Kuwait in Brazil – Brasilia – DF



The country with the most valued currency in the world, one of the world’s largest oil producers, modern and traditional at the same time, Kuwait, lies on the Arabian peninsula, is bordered by Saudi Arabia (west and south), Iraq ( to the north) and the Gulf to the east. The country has large oil reserves, approximately 10% of the world’s reserves are located in the region. The exploitation of this product stimulated migratory flows to the country, a fact verified in its population, where the majority of the inhabitants is immigrant, the Kuwaiti population is smaller than the one of foreigners.

Oil is primarily responsible for wealth. It is one of the largest producers of natural gas in the world. With the aim of making the national economy more flexible, the government has been developing measures to attract international investment, offering economic advantages to transnational companies, as well as several cooperation projects with foreign countries.

In Brasilia, Ambassador Nasser Riden Al Motairi received guests at Dunya City Hall to celebrate the National Date. Among the guests were Senator and former President of the Republic, Fernando Collor de Mello, Senator Izalci Lucas, Vice District Governor of the Federal District, Paco Brito and his wife Ana Paula Hoff, the global actress ambassador of peace, Maria Paula Fidalgo named Ambassador of Peace and several Brazilian diplomatic authorities, diplomats and foreign ambassadors. In his address, the ambassador emphasized that “Kuwait sees Brazil as a country with enormous economic potential and there is a serious desire to promote economic and trade cooperation and to increase direct Kuwaiti investments in Brazil and to benefit from the mutual experiences of both countries to achieve results that meet the aspirations of both sides to raise the level of bilateral relations. “Nasser Al Motairi also said that Kuwait is a country that has been committed to creating bridges of cooperation with all the peoples of the world. At the reception, a dinner for about 500 guests was served, with several dishes of Arab and Brazilian cuisine, plus desserts juices and the guests also received gifts coming directly from Kuwait to the Brazilians attending the event.