Could you please tell our readers about the Bilateral Cooperation between Brazil and Zimbabwe?
Zimbabwe and Brazil enjoy cordial relations which date back to pre-independence period. The two countries established diplomatic relations in April 1980 soon after Zimbabwe gained its independence from Britain, with Brazil opening its Embassy in Harare in 1987 and Zimbabwe reciprocating in 2004, followed by the opening of the Trade and Tourism Office in Sao Paulo in 2011.
At the international, level the two countries cooperate closely at such fora such as the United Nations (UN), the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the World Trade Organisation (WHO) as well as in bodies such as the Group of 77.
On the economic front, the two countries signed a Technical and Economic Co-operation Agreement in September 2006, which created a platform for enhanced co-operation and partnerships between our respective business communities.
Efforts are being vigorously pursued to increase the level of trade between our two countries. Zimbabwe’s exports to Brazil have historically included flue cured tobacco, minerals especially nickel, asbestos and ferrochrome and textiles while Zimbabwe’s major imports from Brazil include tractors and agricultural implements, pharmaceuticals, chemicals processed foods, motor vehicle parts, plastics and rubber. Zimbabwe’s major single import from Brazil is the ethanol plant at Chisumbanje, rated to be the largest in Southern Africa if not on the whole African Continent in terms of installed capacity.
In the area of bilateral technical cooperation, it is significant to note that one of the renowned Brachiaria grass species in Brazil originatesfrom Zimbabwe, where the cultivar was imported in 1983.
What are the Agriculture and Mining opportunities in Zimbabwe?

Zimbabwe has excellent weather conditions supporting production of various produce and has potential to grow and export organic produce of superior quality, guaranteeing better taste.

The country is divided into five agro-ecological regions which are suitable for all types of farming systems, and provide the basis for land-use, planning and analysis.
The regions house the following value chains; Region 1 (timber and coffee value chains), Region IIA (tobacco, pork, livestock and poultry value chains) Region IV (dairy value chains); Region V (beef, sugar, citrus, and crocodile value chains).
Zimbabwe is endowed with abundant land and water resources, about 33 million hectares of land for agriculture purposes, and about 10 000 small, medium and large dams (Zimbabwe is one of the most damed countries in Africa), good soils and climate favourable to do up to 23 crop and livestock enterprises.
Access to agriculture finances remains key in unlocking the full potential of agriculture and strengthening the food supply system through facilitating the adoption of improved crop varieties and livestock breeds as well as the purchase of other inputs.
Sable chemical fertilizer plant upgrade: The project entails upgrading of the fertilizer processing plant from the old electrolysis to new low-cost technology. Estimated cost-US$400 million
Grain Marketing Board (GMB) grain silos – To establish new steel silos with capacity of 50 000MT. Estimated cost-US$20 million.
Beitbridge Juicing Citrus Estate: The project entails development of a 4 000ha citrus estate mainly for export, Estimated cost-US$66 million.
d) Supply of Agricultural inputs, mechanization and irrigation equipment: Financing and supply of agricultural inputs, mechanization and irrigation equipment throughout Government programmes, requires-Loan, supply contacts or both private enterprises /joint ventures.
Establishment of corporate farming ventures: Greenfield projects for food and cash crop production are possible through the establishment of joint farming businesses in horticulture, wildlife, livestock, poultry and fish-farming.
37 000 Hectare Cotton Project: Project activities include development of 37 000ha of cotton over a period of 5 years on the west bank of the Lower Sabi opposite Chisumbanje Estate, irrigation development, construction of Chitowe Barrage and diversion works, transfer and subsidiary canals and night storage dams. Pumping plant and in-field canal for flood irrigation systems. Mechanisation of field operations, building and other storage facilities (depots) cotton ginned at already established but underutilized Cottco ginneries at Triangle, Chiredzi and Chisumbabnje. Required loan financing and investment of US$250 million.
Sugarcane estate: To establish a 40 000ha sugar cane estate to produce sugar, ethanol and electricity in Chipinge. Full feasibility studies and partners under joint venture or loan to the tune of US$ 350 million are required.

Zimbabwe’s mining sector is highly diversified with more than 60 tradeable minerals. The country boasts of the second-largest reserves of platinum in the world, second largest gold reserves per square metre in the world and significant lithium reserves. The predominant minerals include gold, platinum group metals, PGMs, diamonds, chrome, ferrochrome, nickel, copper, iron, lithium, coal and coal bed methane, CBM, gas. Zimbabwe also has huge potential for rare earth elements, REE, as well as oil and gas resources which are currently under development.
Gold exploration: Gold exploration in a reserved area covering 63 000ha, both green field and brown field exploration zones. Investment amount-US$3,5 million under a Joint Venture.
Copper exploration: Copper exploration on a reserved area covering 325 000ha. Hosts world class Mhangura mine, Reservation also hosts semi-precious stone deposits, beryl, aquamarine and gold. Investment amount-US$5Million under a Joint Venture.
Diamond exploration: Kimberlite diamond exploration as well as exploration and evaluation of kimberlite diamond deposits in Chihota, Mwenezi, Katete and Ngulube. Investment amount US$18million under debt/equity.
Gold processing: Gold processing plants and establishment of 24 gold processing plants in the area of value addition in all 8 geographic provinces. Investment of US$9,6million under Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement.
Gold exploration: Gold exploration in a reserved area covering 50 000ha-greenfield and brownfield exploration. Historical mining grades averaged at 7g/t Au in Marange, Chimanimani, Beitbridge, Chihota, Mwenezi and Harare. Investment amount-US$132million through debt/equity and redeemable preference shares.
Gemology park: Establishment of a one-stop diamond processing plant in Mutare. Investment amount-US$132million through debt/equity and redeemable preference shares.
Diamond mining: Diamond value chain development through; expansion of existing diamond mining operations, diamond processing, cleaning, sorting, valuation, diamond security and accounting systems in Marange, Chimanimani, Beitbridge, Chihota, Mwenezi and Harare. Investment amounts to US$132million through debt/equity and redeemable preference shares.
Can you talk to us about the touristic points and interesting places for Brazilians to visit?
Great Zimbabwe-The Grand Medieval Palace.

A visit to the Great Zimbabwe monument, a world heritage site, is an awe-inspiring experience. Stand at the base of the hill overlooking the sprawling granite stonework of the Medieval Palace and marvel at African ingenuity.
The Majestic Victoria Falls, Mosi-Oa-Tunya, meaning the smoke that thunders.

One of the natural wonders of the World, is the definitive example of breathtaking power and splendid beauty wrapped up in one package – a place which everyone should see at least once in their lifetime.
Hwange National Park

The park is Zimbabwe’s largest and oldest wildlife reserve and is renowned as one of Africa’s greatest conservation areas. Its grasslands and Mopane woods are home to large elephant herds, lions and African wild dogs.
The mythical Lake Kariba and mighty Zambezi: Built along the Zambezi river, this water body is one of the largest man-made reservoirs in the world measuring 280km in length and 40km across at its widest point. Lake Kariba is home to around 40 species of fish as well as crocodiles and hippos. The Lake Kariba and Zambezi river areas are home to a large variety of bird and animal life, a prized destination for the birdlife enthusiast and wildlife cameraman. Anglers can enjoy the annual tiger fishing completion in October.
Gonarezhou, meaning the place of many elephants, is Zimbabwe’s second largest National Park and is located in Masvingo Province.
Pristine wildlife and nature: Zimbabwe is home to the renowned big seven-buffalo, elephant, rhino, leopard, lion, hippo, and crocodile. The National Parks have created viewing platforms near popular water-holes, giving visitors excellent opportunities to see wild game at close range.

National Parks, include, Chimanimani, Chizarira, Gonarezhou, Hwange, Kazuma Pan, Mana Pools, Matobo, Matusadona, Nyanga, Mutarazi, Victoria Falls and Zambezi.
National Recreational Parks, include, Bangala Dam, Chinhoyi Caves, Insiza Dam (Mayfair Dam and Lake Cunningham), Kavira Hot springs, Lake Manyame, Lake Mutirikwi, Manjirenji dam, Lake Matobo, Mupfure, Mzingwane dam, Ngezi and Sebakwe Recreational Park.