Brazil’s population has reached 207,660,929.


Brazil’s population has reached 207,660,929, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) reported in 2017. Last year, the IBGE annual survey found the population at 206.08 million.

São Paulo remains the state with the largest population, (45,094,866), up from 44.75 million last year. Another five states have larger than 10 million populations—Minas Gerais (21,119,536), Rio de Janeiro (16,718,956), Bahia (15,344,447), Rio Grande do Sul (11,322,895) and Paraná (11,320, 892).

Acre (829,600), Amapá (797,700), and Roraima (522,600) are the only three states with populations smaller than 1 million. They are all part of Brazil’s North region.