Catar anuncia doação de U$ 20 mi para desenvolvimento de vacinas contra o Coronavírus e reforça apoio à OMS

Doação foi anunciada durante Cúpula Global de Vacinas pelo Emir do país do Golfo, que já doou U$ 140 mi para financiar instituições da área de saúde

Por ocasião da Cúpula Global de Vacina de 2020, realizada nesta quinta 04 em Londres, o Emir do Estado do Catar, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani anunciou que seu país vai doar U$ 20 mil dólares para desenvolvimento de vacinas contra o Coronavírus por meio da aliança GAVI, instituição que promove a Cúpula Global de Vacinas.

O país do Golfo já havia doado U$ 140 milhões de dólares para instituições internacionais de saúde que desenvolvem vacinas para atender os países menos desenvolvidos, além de ajudar mais de 20 países com fornecimento de equipamento médico e suporte para construção de hospitais de campanha. O mandatário do Catar também reiterou o apoio à Organização Mundial de Saúde na coordenação do combate ao COVID-19 e na promoção do enfrentamento de doenças infecciosas no futuro.

Créditos:Assessoria de imprensa da embaixada do Catar no Brasil

Leia abaixo o discurso completo do Emir do Catar. E clicando aqui saiba mais sobre a Cúpula Global de Vacinas e a GAVI.

Speech of His Highness

Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani

Amir of the State of Qatar


The Global Vaccine Summit 2020


June 4, 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I extend my thanks and appreciation to Mr. Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, for organizing and hosting this important conference.

COVID-19 pandemic constitutes an unprecedented challenge and threat to all humanity at all levels. In the absence of an effective vaccine or cure, some countries and societies have found themselves faced with the choice between two options both of which are bitter to swallow: either to seek prevention by lockdowns that may cripple the economy, or put the lives of people at risk by opting not to sacrifice the economy. Some countries have chosen compromising solutions by combining continuing to coexist with the pandemic and fighting it at the same time.

This crisis has shown that there is no alternative to international cooperation and exchange of experiences, which necessitate the redoubling of the joint efforts to eliminate COVID-19 with effective vaccines and cures, and preparations for confronting new epidemics in the long run.

The State of Qatar has spared no effort to enhance the rapid response to counter the serious repercussions of the crisis, and has promptly taken all preventive procedures and measures to reduce its impact, and protect the citizens and residents on its soil.

Based on human solidarity we have provided medical assistance to more than 20 countries around the world in terms of supplies of medical equipment and construction of field hospitals, in addition to providing 140 million U.S. dollar worth of financial contribution for multilateral health care institutions working to develop vaccines and ensuring the efficiency of health care, especially in the least developed countries.

In this context, we call upon the international community to work jointly to ensure fairness in providing necessary medicines and medical equipment to all countries.

The State of Qatar reiterates its support to the World Health Organization (WHO) for its coordinating efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and to promote global readiness to confront infectious diseases in the future.

I would like to announce a new 20 million dollar pledge from the State of Qatar to “GAVI” alliance.

In conclusion, I reiterate my thanks to the United Kingdom for organizing this conference, hoping that it will achieve its desired objectives.

May the Peace, Mercy, and Blessings of God be upon you.


Fabiana Ceyhan

Jornalista por formação, Professora de Inglês (TEFL, Teaching English as a Foreigner Language). Estudou Media Studies na Goldsmiths University Of London e tem vasta experiência como Jornalista da área internacional, tradutora e professora de Inglês. Poliglota, já acompanhou a visita de vários presidentes estrangeiros ao Brasil. Morou e trabalhou 15 anos fora do país.